Hello Good evening admin.
Please can you post this for me so I could get ideas from your house to see if I could free my mind? And please keep my anonymous.
My write up is a kind of question. Please house, is this thing so called soul mate or "we're meant to be" really real? Like I've been dating this girl for a year and half now .
I mean we break up but we get back again. No matter how messy the break up is, we come back again. I can't run no matter the number of months we go our separate ways, we still come back out of nowhere like I'm really tired. I don't know what to do at this point. It's not like when we get back too its for good; we talk continuously for like a week or two then boom the conversation seize again.
Like I recently just broke it off again but immediately started feeling like I've lost something inside me again and at the same time it's like we're no longer compatible but why is that we keep getting back anyhow?
Please how I need your advice on what to do coz right now I'm really tired and confused.