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Cherry Leaves are Rarely Known for the Benefits
11 Ene, 2022
Tiempo de lectura aprox. :
3 min.
Hello Healthy Friends! Have you ever found a cherry leaf? Cherry trees are not difficult to find and almost every region in Indonesia has a different name for this plant. But did you know that karsen leaves have many benefits? Let's check this out!
1.Acquaintance with kersen
Kersen (Muntingia calabura) is a woody, erect and branched plant that can grow to a height of 10 meters .
Indonesia as a tropical country is a very suitable place for this plant to grow, so it is often found on roadsides or settlements. Plants with seeds in two pieces (dicotyledons) always look green, flower, and bear fruit throughout the year. The fruit has a small round size that is red when ripe.
Cherry leaves have fine hairs with slightly pointed leaf tips while the base of the leaves is blunt. The edges of the leaves are jagged and have a paper-like texture with pinnate veins.
2.Content of cherry leaves
Several studies have proven that there are flavonoid compounds, tannins, triterpenes, saponins in cherry leaves. With this content, cherry leaves show antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiproliferative activity. This is what makes cherry leaves can be used to improve body health.
Its utilization can be processed into herbal teas, jelly candy, chips, jams, and many others.Making cherry leaf extract can be done by boiling 50-100 mg of old leaves that have been washed and boiled in 1000 ml of water until it boils until the remaining half
3.benefits of cherry leaves
Benefits of cherry leaves for the body
Flavonoid compounds can act as antibacterial by slowing down the function of the cytoplasmic membrane in bacteria. Therefore, cherry leaves have an effect that is able to inhibit the activity of disease-causing bacteria. In addition, tannins are able to eliminate toxins by shrinking cell membranes, thereby inhibiting the spread of these toxins. While saponins have benefits such as antibacterial and antifungal.
Seeing the many benefits of karsen leaves, it turns out, this plant has been used by the community for a long time as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases such as jaundice, gout, and cough. There have also been many studies showing that cherry leaves can be used as antidiabetic, lowering uric acid levels, coughing, heat, and antiseptic.
So, are you interested in trying cherry leaf preparations and getting the benefits? Healthy Friends, without realizing it turns out that there are many unexpected benefits from the natural surroundings. Come on, keep it sustainable and use it wisely.
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