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7 Danger Signs When You're Getting Disloyal
9 Nov, 2021
Tiempo de lectura aprox. :
3 min.
Usually, the word cheating is more synonymous with people. However, infidelity is not related to gender issues, women are often the perpetrators .
What must be remembered, cheating does not always mean being physically unfaithful. If you have a deep emotional connection with the other person and at the same time move away from your partner emotionally, this is also a type of infidelity.
Here are some red flags that may indicate that you are starting to betray your relationship.
1. You spend money for other people
When you're shopping for a new dress, bag or shoe, do you think, "He'll love it if I wear this shirt" but that "he" isn't your partner? Do you choose a new haircut based on what 'he' will like and not what your partner will like? Obviously, this shows that the opinion of the person is more important than the wishes of the partner.
2. You laugh more at his jokes than when your partner does it
Being together for years of a relationship may make your relationship feel monotonous. Your partner, who used to be very interesting and funny at the start of the relationship, may no longer make you laugh with his jokes. In such cases, if the other person seems more funny and interesting to you and makes you goofy with his jokes, we hear the infidelity alarm sound!
3.You repeatedly lie to your partner
Have you recently started enjoying going out for coffee or watching a movie with coworkers and forgot to tell your partner? Yes, once is okay, but if this happens repeatedly, then it means you don't want to tell your partner. Not telling your partner is as bad as lying.
4. You deliberately planned an event just to spend time with him
this person could be your friend and partner. Have you ever noticed how often you hold get-togethers with your friends? Is there a particular person whose presence you are looking forward to? Throwing events or getting together just so you can meet the person and enjoy your time with them are other signs that you're starting to be unfaithful to your relationship.
5. You wait for the message and the call
Every time your cell phone rings, whether it's a message or a call, do you expect it to be from a certain person? Expecting messages and calls from other people rather than your partner shows that you have strong feelings for this other person. It's obvious you're starting to like him, whether it's just a crush or something more serious.
6. Trying to do anything for him
You don't usually give gifts to friends or other coworkers on their birthdays or on other special occasions, but for this person, you seem to be trying your best to find the right gift.You even order a pretty cake and possibly plan an amazing surprise for her. It shows that you're going to get past "just friends" with him, at least on your part!
7. Comparing your partner to him
Consciously or unconsciously, have you ever started to compare your partner's behavior with that of others? Thinking about what other people did or would not do for you, that means you start making comparisons.
Try to find a solution to your relationship problems because infidelity is not the solution.
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