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5 Easy Ways to Heal a Broken Heart
9 Nov, 2021
Tiempo de lectura aprox. :
5 min.
Everyone who has ever had a broken heart knows that this is one of the most painful feelings in life. Divorce, ending a long relationship, or realizing that it turns out that the relationship we hoped to end up being successful on the aisle actually failed in the middle of the road .
Whatever the reason, heartbreak can hurt us more deeply than we ever imagined it could, giving us pain we never thought existed.
Girls and boys, the feelings must be the same. Maybe there are some who can cover it well or overcome it faster than others, for example assisted by the presence of new people or extraordinary busyness. But we know that no matter how often it happens, heartbreak is never easy. Especially when it comes to healing wounds.
Based on some of the heartbreaks that I have experienced, there are several things that might help speed up the process of our heart's recovery.
1. Keep the mind busy
But not busy thinking about the ex, huh. Focus your mind on something else—don't just sit around and daydream at home doing nothing. If that's the case, it can't be helped, the mind will definitely come back to him. Spend time with friends, exercise, or do other activities that we haven't had time to do. Do whatever can keep your mind busy and don't have time to think about your ex.
The less we think about him, the easier it will be to move on. After all, why spend time thinking about him? It's like he's thinking about us...
2.Stop guessing and analyzing 'why is this happening to me?'
Because if we ask God, maybe the answer is, 'Why not?' There is a reason why we experience this and believe that we will never be given a trial that is beyond our capabilities.
Keeping your mind busy is not always easy. In situations where the mind (and time) is empty, the image of the ex may come back without us being able to prevent it, and we again wonder why it happened. Not to mention the 'what if' words that make dark clouds fill our heads again: if only we had been like this, if only we had fought harder, if only we—ah, there were a million other ifs that we thought could make things better.
We can't go back in time and change things. So, instead of drowning in the word 'what if' and tormenting ourselves over and over again, whenever the ex comes to mind—get rid of it immediately. Think of something more productive and fun. For example, look for photos of Ryan Gosling shirtless. Okay, even though it's not productive but it's fun. At least we do something to distract from the ex.
3. List (as long as possible) the reasons why he is not the right person for us
Shortly after breaking up (or for those who are hard to move on: years after), we may still feel that he is the perfect person for us, he is prince charming, and ending this relationship is the biggest mistake of our lives. In fact, maybe not.Making a list of his flaws, mistakes, habits that annoy us and a million other negative things about him can make us think that he's actually not that perfect and maybe we're actually better off living without him. See how each item on the list impacts our relationship—and open your eyes to the fact that he's not really the one we've been looking for.
4. Focus on the future
In the past, every time I was heartbroken, my prayer was always the same: 'If he is for me, then please make things easy. If not, heal the wound, and let the right person into my life.' If we are still thinking about the past, it will be difficult to move into the future, and it will be difficult for us to open ourselves to the possibility that there is the right person for us in the future. out there.
5. Let go of all things related to it
It's okay to be extreme. A friend of mine blocked Facebook and deleted all photos of his ex, then drowned himself in watching sad movies while eating ice cream and chocolate. Don't forget to curl up under the covers crying, call your best friend in the middle of the night just to swear about your ex.
For me, that's okay. Because sometimes we really need to let go. This is indeed like a momentary escape, but after that don't forget to do the other four points listed above. If we don't let go of this feeling, what is there is actually buried and will surely explode outward one day.
We don't go through this process ourselves. Our tendency is to accuse everyone of not understanding our feelings because they haven't experienced this. Trust me, many people have experienced the same thing. It's just that they may not be as dramatic as ours. And the truth is, while they've been through heartbreak (which may be tougher than ours), they've also been through it successfully. And there is no reason for us not to succeed in moving on like them.
In the end, I believe that overcoming a broken heart is one of the important processes that need to be done in order to find the one. The sooner we move on, the closer we will be to the perfect relationship we desire.
Although I'm also not sure that there is a perfect relationship, anyway, but understand what I mean right?
How about you? What's your recipe for a broken heart?
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